miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

Dos notas sobre intrépidos

Los intrépidos oficiales del Ministerio del Interior prohibieron a la ciudadana Yoani Sánchez realizar una reunión de blogueros. El mundo estaba avisado de la citación que había recibido anteriormente y aunque esto puede contener el desbordamiento de las furias del Poder, resulta alarmante. El deterioro creciente puede provocar la ira del Poder… ¿Por qué le dará?

Los intrépidos miembros de la Vigilia Mambisa marcharan mañana en una caravana de protesta contra la proyección de una película sobre el Che Guevara en Miami Beach. La alcaldesa de esa ciudad dijo que ama la diversidad y que asiste el mismo derecho a los que van a proyectar el film que a los que van a protestar. Good for her!!!

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Me han dicho que la pelicula del Che esta buena, mejor que la otra -- al punto -- we all have the right to see what we want to see, when we want to see it. That is why we are here -- to have the options.


Yo soy Medea dijo...

Pero hay quien quiere que tu pocion sea la que ellos quieren, incluso aqui. A veces pienso que es un subdesarrollo cerebral, el que nos impide ver las opciones de cada cual y respetar.

ghassada dijo...

Saturday January 3 2009
daniel to return.

"Then I wanted to know the truth about the fourth animal, which was different from all others, very terrible, which had iron teeth and nails of brass, who ate, broke, and trampling on what was left ;
and the ten horns he had at the head, and the other came out and before which three were dropped on that horn that had eyes, a mouth speaking arrogant and more appearance than other .
I saw the horn to make war with saints, and prevail over them,
until the old days came right up to the saints of the Most High, and the time came when the Saints were in possession of the kingdom.
He told me about this: The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that exist on earth, different from all kingdoms, and devour all the earth, the crowd and break

He will deliver words against the Most High, he oppress the saints of the Most High, and he hopes to change times and law and the saints will be delivered between his hands for a time and times and half a time.
Then comes the trial and he will remove his domination, which will be destroyed and destroyed forever.
The reign, domination, and the magnitude of all the kingdoms which are under the heavens, will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. His reign is a reign eternal, and all the dominating serve and obey him.
this part of a vision of Daniel from the Louis Segond intrigued during my very long time, all interpretations seemed paradoxical.
the images of fire in Gaza, the imbalance between the forces, refreshed me in the dream of Daniel.
My hypothesis is as follows:
- The bete is the United States of America
- The horns are eleven account since the emergence of users as the first global force after the uilisation of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima by Truman, the thirty-third president of the United States of America from 1945 to 1953.
on account of Truman until bush on a 11 horn.
- It will lower three kings: as in this sentence can apply three names milosevitch, sadam, Yasser Arafat (HEROD resemblance to the Jewish king)
the Saints will be in its hands: are certainly people in the holy land. I propose that the palestinens.
Here is my version I ask who can
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